Tamilnadu School of Architecture was sponsored by Tamilnadu Technical Education Foundation. The Institution was founded by eminent philanthropists Dr.P.V.Ravi.Ph.D.,Chairman, Mr.A.P.Sabarivasa - Secretary & Correspondent, Prof. D.Suresh Kumar, B.Arch, M.U.P, Director who are pioneering educators having unmatched rich experience in the field of education with the belief that the continuous perusal of knowledge is the sole path to success. The School is approved by Council of Architecture, New Delhi and affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
Tamilnadu School of Architecture is an institution providing value added education, a centre of excellence, focused on flexible programming with state of the art technology and prepare students to meet unprecedented global challenge in the field of Architecture and its allied subjects.
This course lays foundation to specialize in Urban design, Urban and Regional planning, Landscape Architecture, settlement planning, Product design,Construction and project management, Digital Architecture, Sustainable Architecture,Environmental Architecture, Architectural Conservation,Computer aided Architectural design,Transportation planning and design etc
Re-defining the edge: Educating young Architects to ideate, speculate and create. Mentoring the young minds to meet global architectural and sustainable challenges through glocal values and idioms.
"Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness”."Frank Gehry”
The Tamilnadu School of Architecture is situated in picturesque surrounding, abutting NH47 (Salem-Cochin) in Karumathampatti, 30km from the industrial city of Coimbatore, and 20km from the textile center of Tirupur and 10km from the temple town of Avinashi. The College campus has transformed itself favorably to nurture a multi-cultural community in perfect harmony.
Chairman’s Message
தொட்டனைத் தூறும் மணற்கேணி மாந்தர்க்குக்கற்றனைத் தூறும் அறிவு.
The description of the above Tirukural is as follows In sandy soil, when deep you delve, you reach the springs below;The more you learn, the freer streams of wisdom flow “Education will lead you to places” is often used a phrase by me and our passed out students of Tamilnadu School of Architecture are an excellent example for this phrase . I wish the mentors and students of Tamilnadu School of Architecture keep expanding the knowledge with no limits thereby making them contribute towards the upliftment of the society where they belong to and make them a responsible citizen.
- Dr.P.V.Ravi Ph.D.Chairman
Secretary‘s Message
Educational Community in the campus of Tamilnadu School of Architecture provides a holistic environment towards learning not only in Architecture but also with sports ,cultural activities ,community development and there by moulding themselves as responsible Architects and future leaders. The Tamilnadu School of Architecture situated in the campus of Tamilnadu College of Engineering are ,mutually nurturing entities towards educating young minds.
- Mr.A.P. Sabarivasa, Secretary & Correspondent
Director’s Message
Life is Architecture and Architecture is the mirror of life –I.M.Pei..
Architecture and time are a phenomenon happening to gether .Any city in the world has memories across time frozen in the form of buildings. We could arrive at the pattern of human living by simply observing the buildings and settlement patterns. Architecture reflects the time and society with which is built .What we have now is the result of the past generations and what we give today to the mother earth would be the resource for future generations.Thats how Architecture becomes important in constructing memories and tributes of the past and promoise to the future.
- Prof.D.Suresh Kumar, Director